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We're In The News!

May 31, 2024

It's always nice to be recognized, but this was especially nice!

Netcore Software Development included us in their short list of the "Top 7 CRM Solution Providers for Businesses in 2024 | Best in Customization and Affordability" recommendations! The list is alphabetized so we're not the first in the list ... that's really something I should've considered when coming up with the name Venntive!

As a reminder, customizing Venntive is all "No-Code". In light of that, for Netcore to include us speaks to their impartiality and our excellence as the complete RevOps solution we are!

We are really grateful for their recognition. I think it speaks volumes for their professionalism and integrity.

Take a couple minutes to check out Netcore for Python development outsourcing. They're the real deal ... just like Venntive!